Thursday, September 15, 2016


Many people think cancer is entirely genetic and cannot be avoided, but that's not true.
Healthy behaviors could prevent about half of cancer  deaths, according to the American Cancer Society.
Here are 10 lifestyle changes, all based on the latest research, that can improve the odds against cancer. The tips come from Dr. Anne McTiernan of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
  • - Don’t smoke or use any other tobacco products. If you’ve tried to quit before, don’t give up — eventually something will work.

Broad-Spectrum AEDs Treatment for Seizure

If you have more than one type of seizure, a broad-spectrum AED may be your best choice of treatment. These medications are designed to prevent seizures in more than one part of the brain, as opposed to the focalized effects of narrow-spectrum AEDs.

Clonazepam (Epitril, Klonopin, Rivotril)
Clonazepam is a long-acting benzodiazepine. It’s used to treat multiple types of seizures. This includes myoclonic, akinetic, and absence seizures. Klonopin is the most common brand name. Clonazepam is also used to treat several other non-epileptic disorders.

10 High-Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

    You don't have to be a nutritionist to know that you shouldn't eat fries and fried chicken on a regular basis. They're loaded with sodium, fat, and cholesterol — but do you know exactly how much?

    A diet high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats can raise blood cholesterol levels and put you at risk for heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. Many foods that come from animals — like meat and dairy products — contain saturated fats, while baked goods and fast foods pack trans fats.
 What's for Breakfast?
The first thing you need to know about high cholesterol food is


The prostate Gland
Fredicare pics
The prostate gland is found only in males. It is just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The tube that carries urine (the urethra) runs through the center of the prostate.
The prostate contains cells that make some of the fluid (semen) that protects and nourishes the sperm.
The size of the prostate changes with age. In younger men, it is about the size of a walnut, but it can be much larger in older men. The growth is fueled by male hormones (called androgens) such as testosterone.
A man above 40 can have problem with passing out of urine, this condition may not be as a result of cancer. An increase in the size of the

Some viruses and other infectious agents can cause cancer in infected people

Certain infectious agents, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites, can cause cancer in infected people or increase the risk that cancer will form. Some viruses can disrupt normal controls on cell growth and proliferation. They may also increase the chance that a person will be affected by other cancer risk factors, such as UV radiation or substances in tobacco smoke that cause cancer. Some viruses, bacteria, and parasites also cause chronic inflammation, which may lead to cancer.

Most of the viruses that are linked to an increased risk of cancer can be passed from one person to another through blood and/or other body fluids. You can lower your risk of infection by getting vaccinated, not having

General Information About Lymphedema

Key Points

  •     Lymphedema is the build-up of fluid in soft body tissues when the lymph system is damaged or blocked.
  •     The lymph system is a network of lymph vessels, tissues, and organs that carry lymph throughout the body.
  •     Lymphedema occurs when lymph is not able to flow through the body the way that it should.
  •     There are two types of lymphedema.
  •     Possible signs of lymphedema include swelling of the arms or legs.
  •     Cancer and its treatment are risk factors for lymphedema.
  •     Tests that examine the lymph system are used to diagnose lymphedema.
  •     Stages may be used to describe lymphedema.

Lymphedema is the build-up of fluid in soft body tissues when

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Doctors Hail 'Spectacular' Cancer Breakthrough

Immunotherapy, which uses the body's immune system to attack cancerous cells, could herald a "new era" for cancer treatment.
Immunotherapy, which uses the body's immune system to attack cancerous cells, proved so effective that in one British-led trial, more than half of patients with advanced melanoma saw tumours shrink or brought under control, according to researchers.
The trials, a number of which have been presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual conference in Chicago, could herald a "new era" for cancer treatments.
Professor Roy Herbst, chief of medical oncology at Yale Cancer Centre, described